Top 5 Tips for Successful Cabin Crew Interview
Posted by Paulius Aganauskas on
Everyone’s perception of cabin crew interviews is that you either need to be a supermodel or have some sort of magic powers to be successful. I just would like to assure you that all it takes is to master some basics to a successful interview, and we are happy to share some of them with you now.
You should already have some knowledge about the role before even applying for the position. We came across a few candidates with no idea what so ever about what the position holds. Do your research and check cabin crew forums online or speak to some friends already working in the industry. They can give you insides to the position. By doing so you will be more determined on the interview day, but also you will spare wasting your energy and time on something that you won’t enjoy doing.BE “ON TIME”
For those candidates that have never worked in aviation before, let me give you inside to how important it is to be punctual. From day one of your cabin crew training, you will be told about the importance of being on time. If you are 5 minutes late for whatever reason (traffic, train disruption, car broke down, etc.) the plane won’t wait. Let’s take it from the business perspective if planes are sitting on the ramp (designated area for planes at the airport) they aren’t making any profit for the airline. The same if the flight departs late for whatever reason it cost the airline money. The airline gets penalized by hefty fines for having the aircraft longer at the gate then scheduled, as this creates a backlog for other planes waiting to park or land.Being late also create pressure on your colleagues that will have to replace you as they might have to change their plans in the last minute.
So, when you are planning your trip to your assessment centre on your interview day take into consideration and traffic or train delays. Try to arrive 15 minutes early. This will give you time to meet the other candidates and calm your nerves down before the interview.
It will also show to the recruitment team they can operationally rely on you if you are successful in the recruitment process.
Some airlines might ask you to bring certain documentation with you. Like references, filled out forms, your pictures or a copy of your passports. The day before you are about to go to the assessment day go over all of your paperwork.Lay it in front of you and check if you have the documentation type required, and if it’s all you been asked to bring with you. You can also file them individually, so you know which one is where.
When you are at the assessment day you will be asked to present these. It will lift the pressure from the administration team to have all your paperwork in order and be ready to hand in. It will give the airline the impression of the professional approach you have towards the airline and the position.
Research shows that for a human eye it takes 3 seconds to make an assumption about someone just by their appearance. The role of cabin crew is a position that entails a lot of interactions with customers and therefore your appearance needs to look the part.If you are a female or male candidate, it shouldn’t change the amount of effort you put into your appearance. You will be observed from the moment you walk into the assessment centre.
Remember the very first impression counts.
There might be quite a few candidates on the assessment day, you will need to make sure to stand out from the crowd for the right reasons. One way to do so is to look the part.
Female should try to match the make-up of the current female cabin crew. You can also opt for a more natural look. Just keep in mind to look professional. Eye shadows should be in a natural tone. Avoid bright colours. For hair, you can opt for a ponytail or “doughnut” hairstyle. If you are optioning for a skirt on your interview day do make sure it is a knee height length. No miniskirts should be worn as you don’t want to give the wrong impression.
For male candidates do make sure your beard is either completely shaved or freshly trimmed. Hair shall have a business look alike. Avoid unnatural hair colours. Do have your fingernails done. You are applying for a position where you will be facing the customer on a daily basis, so your hands are some sort of working tool. Treat them with the same respect as your hair.
For the dress code, you shall option for a business style attire. Suite and tie. If you can do, try to opt for a tie that matches the current cabin crew uniform.
We had come across when the candidates came to the assessment day with no knowledge of the airline they had applied for.
We can assure you that you will be asked at least one question about the airline. This can be for example: “What attracts you to the role of cabin crew for the xxx airline?” Or “What do you know about the xxx airline?”
To avoid the moment of sudden surprise, do your research about the airline. Start with the day the airlines were found and continue to the current CEO of the airline, main destinations/hubs, aircraft, awards the airline had received or products offered onboard.
By doing your research it shows to the recruiter that you have a genuine interest in the airline.
Hope you enjoyed our “Top 5 Tips to Cabin Crew Interview” and find them useful for your upcoming assessment.
We wish you all the best of luck.
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